How can an estate lawyer help you prevent a family dispute?


There comes a time when you have to distribute your estate to your family. Wills and estate are important parts of your life that should be done at the right time to avoid disputes later. Some people believe that estate planning, hiring estate lawyers, and wills are only for people who have large estates but that's not true. Hiring an estate lawyer at an early stage can help you prevent your family disputes in the long run. Irrespective of the size of your estate, you need to consult an estate lawyer such as Arthur Liangfei Tan. The lawyer can help you prevent your family disputes, this guide will help you understand how. 

Here is the list of ways your lawyer can help you prevent disputes: 

Organizing and navigating personal property: An estate lawyer can generate a list of your personal properties or any other shared property. They can officially draft a document of theses list with details of each property along with authorization. After generating a list, they can prepare an official document that states who will get what in a clear and accurate way. So, there are fewer chances of dispute among families as personal properties are a major reason for most disputes. 

Managing special assets officially: An estate lawyer like Arthur Liangfei Tan can organize an official meeting with your family wher3 your special assets like special care child or anything related can be discussed. Along with businesses, each and every detail about businesses and special assets. So, that everything is transparent and clear to everyone to be on the same page. When everyone already knows who will get what and who will take care of your special assets, there are fewer chances of disputes. 

Understand their requirements and negotiate on your behalf: The estate lawyer can be your mediator and understand the point of view of different family members, and what they are expecting. They will understand and negotiate based on your wills and try to convince everyone on the same page. In addition, they can help you find alternative ways to handle different things. 

Proceedings or out-of-court settlement: If your family is already on the verge of dispute or facing court proceedings for estate, a lawyer can handle out-of-court settlement. They can find ways to ensure your family does not fall into the deep trap of court proceedings as it can cost a lot of time, effort, and money. In addition, if you are already in court proceedings and there is a lack of chances to resolve cases out of court, they can help you resolve it as soon as possible. However, it's better to settle out of court to avoid disputes for a long time. 


These are some of the ways a lawyer like Arthur Liangfei Tan can help you overcome your family disputes when it comes to estates. However, the best way to prevent these disputes is estate planning with a lawyer as soon as possible. 


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